Monday, March 2, 2020

Bear PTA Newsletter- March 2020

Book Fair
Our annual Bear Book Fair will be from 8am-4pm on March 2-6. Tuesday, March 3, is Pastry for Parents in the Bear Media Center.  This is a time set apart for you as a parent to come with your child for a morning snack and shopping. The hours are from 7:30 to 8:40. Your child will go to class when the bell rings at 8:30 to be marked present, so come early.  

Spirit Night!
Our next spirit night at Chuck-E-Cheese is March 6th!!!  More information will be coming home this week!

PTA Reflections
Congratulations to Amelia Johnson and Brayden D. White who placed in the State PTA Reflections Contest. 

PTA Meeting
In an effort to showcase many of our amazing activities at Bear, we've moved our March PTA meeting to April 14th at 6pm. Honor Chorus, Jump Rope Team, Bear Twirlers & Spanish Club will perform. Hotdog dinner will be provided. More info and a form to make your hotdog reservation will be sent home closer to the date.

Specialist Spotlight for March
Senora Hoit our amazing Spanish teacher is the specialist for March.  Please bring her an item off her wish list and sign the sheet to be entered to win some Bear Bucks!
·         Clorox Wipes
·         Erasers
·         Crayons
·         Pencils
·         Prizes for treasure box
·         Lysol spray
·         Color paper

Thank you to these students for bringing items in February to Mrs. Marshall, those students will be recognized, and the drawing will be held soon.

Fun Run
Parents and Families—we are so excited for the BEAR FUN RUN! It’s a two-week program that kicks off with a Pep Rally on Monday, March 23rd! Families will then gather pledges for every lap your student runs (30-35 laps) at the BEAR FUN RUN, which will happen on April 3rd. This year our goal is to raise $20,000 for Interactive Boards and Techonolgy Updates, and we need your help! We’ve asked the experts at Booster to power our fundraiser to make it easier, more profitable, and more fun.

Students will also experience an amazing character theme, MINDSPARK: WILD WEST! Booster’s most exciting theme yet combines S.T.E.A.M. skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) with character-building. While they're teaming up with the MindSpark Kids to save Dr. Shock, our students will learn five character traits (Honesty, Gratitude, Generosity, Kindness, and Humility) that will help strengthen themselves and our world.

Donations will go toward Interactive Boards and Technology Updates and the entire two-week experience. So please help our school by getting pledges from family and friends and entering them on FUNRUN.COM. Also, all families are invited to come out and cheer on our students at the Bear Fun Run on April 3rd. Thanks so much for your support! 

Art Show
Our annual Bear Art Show will be April 22nd.  Please consider volunteering to help with this awesome show!

Personalized Bricks
Now is a great time to order your Brick and help support the Bear Garden! Order form is below. Send in your form & payment to your homeroom teacher so it can be added to the garden before the end of the year!

Discount Cards
Thank you for all of those that participated in the survey.  We greatly value your feedback! 

Upcoming Events
Book Fair-March 2-6
Spirit Night at Chuck E Cheese-March 6th
Fun Run-March 23-April 3rd
PTA Meeting-April 14th @ 6:00
Art Show-April 22nd

Amazon Wishlists: Bear Teachers & Specialists

Make sure to g o to   first and choose Bear Exploration Center PTA, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase pri...