Monday, March 4, 2019

Bear PTA News - March 4, 2019

PTA Meeting
Join us for our next PTA Meeting on Tuesday, March 12 in the Bear Cafeteria. We will feature performances by the Honor Choir, Jump Rope Team and Baton class. And come hungry because we will be serving hot dogs, chips and drinks free of charge. We also will present the slate of PTA officers for the 2019-20 school year. If for any reason you need an interpreter for any PTA meeting or event, please let us know. We are happy to provide one for you!

Book Fair
Come support the Bear Library by shopping at the Book Fair this entire week. Tomorrow (Tuesday, March 5) is Pastries with Parents (AKA – DOUGHNUTS for all!). Students must return to class by 8:30. We take cash, check, or credit cards. There are still a few volunteer spots left this week if you want to help. Sign up here.

Spirit Night
Our next Spirit Night is at Chuck E. Cheese’s on Thursday, March 14 from 3:00 – 9:00 pm. Have fun and support your school!

Specialist Spotlight
The Specialist Spotlight for March are the extra SPECIAL teachers in our Resource Room - Mrs. Eagerton, Speech, and Mrs. Cross, Special Education. Items on their wish lists include Lysol wipes, dry erase markers, sticky notes, facial tissues and paper towels. Thank you, parents and students, for supporting our specialists all year long!

National PTA School of Excellence
The Bear PTA has applied to become a National PTA School of Excellence.  We were asked to Improve Education by Increasing Family Engagement while Supporting Student Success.  

The Bear PTA worked toward this objective by hosting Floyd Magnet Middle Schools Principal, Mr. Vince Johnson, as well as the 6th grade teachers at our January PTA meeting where they discussed the transition to middle school. It was a great opportunity to support your child’s success!

After Spring Break we will be having transition meetings for all grade levels where you will be able to meet with your child’s next year teacher(s). This informative transition meeting will provide insight on the current curriculum, how to help your child master standards, and ways to support your child over the summer to reduce skill gaps and ensure they are successful for the next school year.

If you can think of any other ways to help us meet our objective, you can email Jill Sexton at  

Addition to County Reflections Winners
Oops... we accidentally forgot to list one of the Bear students who won an award at the Montgomery County Reflections contest. Photography/Intermediate - 2nd Place - Yates Gunnells. Congratulations to Yates!

Friday, March 1, 2019

PTA News - February 7, 2019

This Bear Family Dance is this Friday night from 6-8 p.m. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, no worries! You can buy tickets at the door. The Family Dance is always SO much fun, and the PTA has taken several steps this year to make it even more fun and Family-Friendly – including better lighting, more room on the dance floor and more dance-along tunes. You can bring in mini water bottles or bite-sized snacks on Friday. Don’t forget money for Nancy’s and popcorn. Can’t wait to see your kids CAMPed out on the dance floor!

We are going to do one last Bear Wear order for the year. Orders are due on Friday, February 13 by 3 pm. You can print the February Bear Wear order form and send in a check. OR you can pay with a credit card and order online here.

Thank you to everyone who sent in reams of paper for our annual Paper Drive. More than 580 reams of paper were donated to our school. Mrs. Barton and Mr. Brown’s classes each won a doughnut party for collecting the most paper. Bear Bucks will be sent home next week for students who brought in 4 or more reams of white paper or 2 or more reams of pastel paper.

Congratulations to the following students who won awards at the county level of the Reflections Art Contest. These entries will be sent on to the state competition. Well done, Creative Cubs!

Visual Arts/Intermediate – 3rd Place – Olivia Hoit
Visual Arts/Intermediate – 3rd Place – Stanley Chen
Photography/Primary – 1st Place – Jackson Sexton
Photography/Primary – 2nd Place – Cass Crawford
Photography/Intermediate - 2nd Place - Yates Gunnells
Dance/Intermediate – 1st Place – Chandler Davis
Literature/Primary – 3rd Place – Kendall Simpson
Literature/Intermediate – 3rd Place – Morgan Eubanks

Thank you to the students who brought in items for Mrs. Sealy’s classroom in December: Carson Shambray, Carson French, Parker Martin, Dakota Hernandez, Sallie Wientjes, and Robert Booker. The winner of the prize drawing for December is DAKOTA HENDERSON.

Thank you to the students who brought in items for Mrs. Bonikowski’s classroom in January:
Joe Weatherford, Maggie Whitt, Gabrielle Blackmon, Peyton Hornbuckle, Keldrick Johnson, Auani Hall, Autumn Dailey, Aiden Senderson, Doc McIntyre, Arraya Baathet, Madison Dean, Kendall Simpson and Ciel Thomas. The winner of the prize drawing for January is MADISON DEAN. Congratulations, Dakota and Madison!

The Specialist Spotlight for February is Senora Hoit – the Spanish teacher. Senora Hoit has requested candy, treasure box items and Sharpies. She would also love any books that are in Spanish.

If you bring in an item for Senora Hoit, make sure that your student signs the Gift Log so that you will be entered into a drawing for a prize. You could be next month’s lucky winner!

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 12 for our next PTA meeting at 6 p.m.

Join the Bear faculty for a night of hands-on Science Fun on Thursday, February 21 from 5:45-6:45. Pizza dinners (a pizza and 4 drinks) will be served by the Bear PTA from 4:45-5:35. All pizzas must be pre-ordered. Order forms will come home next week. Pizzas will also be available to order online.


Montgomery Trees is sponsoring a Seedling Giveaway on Saturday, February 16 from 10-12 at Ida Belle Young Park Pavilion. Everyone who comes can get up to 3 seedlings. If you would like to donate one or more of your seedlings to Bear, that would be fantastic!

2/8 – Family Dance
2/16 Seedling Giveaway
2/13 - Bear Wear Deadline
2/18 - Pizza Deadline
2/21 – Science Night
3/12 – PTA Meeting
3/18 – 3/25 – Spring Break

Amazon Wishlists: Bear Teachers & Specialists

Make sure to g o to   first and choose Bear Exploration Center PTA, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase pri...